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  • 😓📉✂️ The day before yesterday, I painfully cut my losses on falling tech stocks

😓📉✂️ The day before yesterday, I painfully cut my losses on falling tech stocks

but they have been rising for the last two days.

😓📉✂️ The day before yesterday, I painfully cut my losses on falling tech stocks


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Ah, the timeless agony of the stock market. One minute, you’re riding high on a cloud of tech stock optimism, convinced that the future is full of innovation and untold riches. The next, you’re staring at your portfolio as it plummets faster than a lead balloon, leaving you to ponder where it all went wrong.

So, there you were, just two days ago, courageously deciding to cut your losses. "It's for the best," you muttered to yourself, hitting the sell button with a sigh that could've deflated a bouncy castle. The decision was painful, like ripping off a Band-Aid that's been on for too long, or worse, like realizing that pineapple on pizza is a legitimate culinary choice.

But oh, the irony of the market! Just as you resigned yourself to the fate of a cautious investor, watching your once-promising tech stocks sink into the abyss, the market decided to play a cruel joke. The very next day, those same stocks began to rise, as if taunting you from the depths of your despair. "Should've held on," they seemed to whisper, smirking at your misfortune.

In the end, you’re left with a valuable lesson: the stock market is as fickle as a cat in a room full of laser pointers. One day, it’s all doom and gloom, and the next, it’s brighter than a supernova. So, keep your chin up, dust off that Mona Lisa smile, and remember – you can't win them all, but you can certainly laugh at the absurdity of it all!


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